Live/Wire is The AC/DC Show. The hugely successful tribute to Rock Legends AC/DC, delivering High Voltage Rock ‘n’ Roll in a show critically acclaimed for its closeness in look and sound to the real thing. Live/Wire have toured much of Europe including Greece, Spain and of course Cyprus. Podge, Simon and the boys bring a musicianship and energy to the stage only matched by AC/DC themselves and have remained true to the music, selling out regularly in theatres and arts centres across the UK. The band aim to put you slap bang in the middle of the show with hit after hit, and you are expected to join in! There’ll also be one or two gems for the aficionados! Expect all the classics like ‘Back in Black’, ‘Whole Lotta Rosie’, ‘Highway to Hell’ and if after all that you are still standing…we salute you! Long Live AC/DC, Long Live Live/Wire!